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Iterator definitions
An iterator is any object that, pointing to some element in a range of elements (such as an array or a container), has the ability to iterate through the elements of that range using a set of operators (with at least the increment (++) and dereference (*) operators).

The most obvious form of iterator is a pointer: A pointer can point to elements in an array, and can iterate through them using the increment operator (++). But other kinds of iterators are possible. For example, each container type (such as a list) has a specific iterator type designed to iterate through its elements.

Notice that while a pointer is a form of iterator, not all iterators have the same functionality of pointers; Depending on the properties supported by iterators, they are classified into five different categories:

Iterator categories

Iterators are classified into five categories depending on the functionality they implement:

Input and output iterators are the most limited types of iterators: they can perform sequential single-pass input or output operations.

Forward iterators have all the functionality of input iterators and -if they are not constant iterators- also the functionality of output iterators, although they are limited to one direction in which to iterate through a range (forward). All standard containers support at least forward iterator types.

Bidirectional iterators are like forward iterators but can also be iterated through backwards.

Random-access iterators implement all the functionality of bidirectional iterators, and also have the ability to access ranges non-sequentially: distant elements can be accessed directly by applying an offset value to an iterator without iterating through all the elements in between. These iterators have a similar functionality to standard pointers (pointers are iterators of this category).

The properties of each iterator category are:

categorypropertiesvalid expressions
all categoriescopy-constructible, copy-assignable and destructibleX b(a);
b = a;
Can be incremented++a
Random AccessBidirectionalForwardInputSupports equality/inequality comparisonsa == b
a != b
Can be dereferenced as an rvalue*a
OutputCan be dereferenced as an lvalue
(only for mutable iterator types)
*a = t
*a++ = t
default-constructibleX a;
Multi-pass: neither dereferencing nor incrementing affects dereferenceability{ b=a; *a++; *b; }
Can be decremented--a
Supports arithmetic operators + and -a + n
n + a
a - n
a - b
Supports inequality comparisons (<, >, <= and >=) between iteratorsa < b
a > b
a <= b
a >= b
Supports compound assignment operations += and -=a += n
a -= n
Supports offset dereference operator ([])a[n]

Where X is an iterator type, a and b are objects of this iterator type, t is an object of the type pointed by the iterator type, and n is an integer value.

For more details, see the references for input iterator, output iterator, forward iterator, bidirectional iterator and random-access iterator.


Iterator operations:

Iterator generators:


Predefined iterators

Category tags
